Tashilon SecuredArea for E-Banking

Tashilon SecuredArea for

  • Generate keys on demand according to your Computer FingerPrint


Use your computer as Digital Keys and Certificate!
The Tashilon FingerPrint System provides a unique ID to each computer according to their hardware. The Tashilon patented technology gives to each computer a unique FingerPrint even to two computers having exactly the same hardware and operating system.

Your computer keys can then be used for encryption and authentication and not keep but regenerated.

  • Force the Highest know encryption to be use for communication.

Be sure to use the best encryption!
The unique encryption layer provided as a Plug-In to the operating system act as a filter, which turn any network application encryption into the highest standard.
  • Truly authenticate users

We know who you are!
Used to encrypt files, access to a remote network, or even access to web information the information provided to be truly authenticated.
  • SecuredArea E-Banking Server